Friday, March 23, 2018

Costumes of Significance

As it it something every filmmaker must consider before starting the filming process, I have been invested the past few days in finding the right costuming and hairstyling for my character. My main character is going to be Maria, Based off my grandmother, and will be played by my actual grandmother in the "present". Maria is the past will be played by my mother, my grandmother's only daughter and dead on look alike. However, I understand that the audience might not necessarily put the together that both women are meant to be the same person but in different times, and that is why I am using costuming to my advantage. I will have both characters wear the same things, in order to propose that suggestion. I picked out an actual sweater that my grandmother owns, which looks like this:

Why the color red, you may ask? Not only is red my favorite color, but it will also stand out with the many blues and green the in the rest of the film. It will stand out, just as I intend for my character to do so.
Addiotionally, I will employ the use of a bandana in both their hai, with my mother wearing it in a bun, to show her status as a working woman. The bandana will have accents of the red from the sweater along with a deep navy blue. There colors are similar to the american flag, which has an intended purpose since my grandmother left Venezuela to go to America. For immigrants, America represents a place of copious opportunity for a better life. It means hope.

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